Thursday, January 28, 2010

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By Zach Jacobs

Winter is only a couple of months away. That also means that within a couple of months all of us will be wearing hats, scarves, coats, gloves and boots as part of our winter attire. It does not take long before that winter gear becomes a constant mess around the house as well. There is no time like now to get ready for winter and the onslaught of winter clothing by organizing that coat closet. This may make it possible for you to find all of the winter clothes as they are needed through the winter.

It is important to treat that new coat in way that will allow it to be around for more than just this winter. One way to take c! are of that new coat is to use a wooden hanger to hang it up in the coat closet. By using a wooden hanger you will be able to keep the coats separated enough to give them breathing space as well as making that coat closet look nice.

When you use a wooden coat hanger in your front coat closet you add a touch of organization as well as add to the aesthetic beauty of the closet. How many times have you found the coat closet left open as you turn the corner because your children told you someone was at the door for you? If you want to avoid the embarrassment of that messy closet this year, then get started now on that organization.

Another great use of a wooden coat hanger is to hang up the scarves as well. Some people leave them on the coat, but there are times that someone might want to go out with the coat, but not the scarf. When this is the case, it becomes really easy to lose the scarves if there is nowhere to hang them up. Also, it will help t! he closet stay a lot more organized.

When you use! the woo den coat hangers to keep the coats hung up as well as the scarves, you will find that there is plenty of room on the floor of the closet to put the boots on. I would also recommend a small tote on the floor of the closet for the gloves to be tossed into. That way, all of the winter gear for everyone is contained in that front closet.

When choosing a wooden hanger there are several factors that you should consider. One of the choices is what kind of wood. There are many to choose from, including pine, cherry and natural. Another choice is what kind of hardware in the hanger that you want to use. Typically, there is brass or stainless steel.

Certainly you can find some wooden hangers in your local store, but you may or may not be able to find the ones that you want. It is much more convenient to shop for wooden hangers online. Along with the convenience that you get by shopping online you are also likely to find them for a lot less money too.
Do not let this winter sneak up on you. You do not want the mess that you had last winter with the coats, gloves, scarves, hats, and boots all through the house. Remember how much time you spent looking for winter gear throughout the whole winter last year? Do not repeat a bad mistake this winter.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

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By John Farikani

Do you have to comb your hair over to hide that bald spot? Or are you a woman who is losing her hair? Men and women alike you have herbal hair loss products out there that will help you with your hair loss problems.

Containing Monoxidil and many natural herbal supplements, including Saw Palmetto. This newer product will help hair grow again. Saw Palmetto has been proven to cut DHT production that your body creates.

See DHT can be produced in such a large quantity that it will deter your hair follicles from new hair growth. But with this product, Provillus, you get both combinations of Monoxidil and Saw Palmetto t! o help your hair.

Will it really work, and is it really herbal hair loss products? Yes it will work, in fact they offer a money back guarantee if it doesn't. A very simple process is all you will need to follow each day to see new hair growing.

A dual application procedure that is unlike anything else ever tried on the market for hair loss. You have to apply the product to your scalp one time a day, and take two supplements per day too. However, it's something that will show your new hair growth!

So you have two choices really when it comes to hair loss. You can go out there and buy a whole bunch of products that claim they work, or you can get Provillus and have new hair growing on your head. It's your decision, but one that would be best settled in the later choice.

If you really want herbal hair loss products that work, this will be your answer. Plain and simple, take your two supplements daily, and apply your product t! o your scalp. You're going to see new hair soon.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

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By Alan Bentley

You may feel that you are just wasting your time when you go out on those dates, as they invariably seem to lead nowhere and you end up spending a lot of your time and months o! f your life with no real results. Couldn't you consolidate all this time more effectively and try and date more than one man at a time? This is surely going to give you better odds of success, right?

Be careful if you decide to date more than one man, especially if you think that you are just hedging your bets. At the end of the day you need to be very realistic about what you are doing and fair to all parties involved. If you don't stick to some rules and directions then it could all turn into a real mess.

You may very well be using your time more efficiently, but if you really are going to date more than one guy you need to ask some very hard questions of yourself. Other people will undoubtedly criticize you and is your skin thick enough to be able to cope with this unconventional position?

Be selective about your suitors. If you make the decision to date more than one man you are going to have to allocate a lot of your spare time. A! re both guys really candidates for the long-term? If you feel ! that the y have equal merit, then you may go ahead.

Don't jump into bed with each guy! This is not the time for intimate relationships and the process you're going through is merely a process of selection. Anything else is very unfair.

Because you're likely to run into people who you know, try and avoid going to the same venues with each guy. To a certain extent you are going to have to have different worlds, or be prepared for some awkward encounters.

Before you begin to date more than one man, let each of them know what is going on. Honesty is definitely the best policy here and you want to be sure that they are fully accepting of the situation. If they find out the hard way there will be fireworks for sure.

Don't try and create a different personality when you date more than one man. You need to be yourself across the board, as there may be a tendency to try and manipulate a certain type of behavior because you think that particu! lar gentleman likes you that way. If you're not careful, you will create so much confusion in your mind you will end up with nobody!

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By Trevor Johnson

In the workforce, many wonder what factors affect motivation. Understanding what motivates a worker is key for a leader. Throughout the years, there have been several theories in print th! at talk about motivation. Most agree that when one is motivated, a situation is presented or developed that makes a person strive to do more.

There are several ways that one can motivate others.

One way is through curiosity. If a worker is assigned a task that they find interesting, then they are more likely to finish their task and want to work more from there. They are learning as they are working, thus making them want to go onto the next task.

Through Challenges: At work, or with something personal, if there is a worthy goal that is attainable through work, then they may be more interested in completed the work that is needed. To help with the meaningfulness of the goal, the task to get there should increase in difficulty while not being too far out of their reach.

Through Control: Many individuals have the need to feel in control of what is going on in their lives. If they are presented with a cause and affect where a! task is rewarded with a specific goal, then this is a way for! them to be motivated

Through Competition: There comes a satisfaction when one compares themselves to another and sees that they are doing better in some aspect. This is a good way to motivate several people at once as they are in competition with one another. There are people, though, that are not motivated through competition and may actually demotivate them in the process.

Lastly, there is the recognition technique. Workers like to know when they do well. Once their goal is accomplished and they are recognized for their work, this makes them want to continue in doing more work. Their work should not be compared to another worker's, but should be able to receive its own reward standing alone.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

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Your personal credit file is separated from those with the same or similar names by several factors, including a driver''s license number, birth date, or spouse''s name. Although these are three important identifying marks, the number one identifying mark on your credit report ! is your social security number. Since there is no one else in the United States with your number, your file is easily identified. The chances are very small that the social security office in your area will issue a second number just because somewhere down the road you messed up your credit. However, it is impossible that a second personal file would be created.

The second kind of credit file is the business credit file. Business credit files are identified by the business name and by a computer generated and assigned identification number. Your business file is listed with credit bureaus like Dun and Bradstreet and Stanley and Porous, etc. A Company credit record can be built and used just like a personal one. The idea is to take a hobby or trade that you possess, and start a new small business for which you can create a name and a new credit file. There are hundreds of small businesses that can be run from your home. These small businesses have the potential! to generate high part-time or full time earnings. I suggest v! isiting your nearest bookstore or library to obtain a book on the numerous business opportunities available.

Once you have established a business name and idea your next step is to build a credit history for it. This is done using basically the same techniques that you would use for building your personal credit record. It does not matter how bad your personal credit record is. The business will be judged on its own record. I just recently had a student obtain an American Express card through her small business, which is only nine months old even though her personal record is riddled with bad credit. As you will see, the key is to maintain a stable payment history with all credit accounts.

Please visit: for more info on starting your second credit file!!!

Chris Samuels
CEO Net100', 127, 'How To Start A Second SEPERATE Credit File!, Credit, Credit articles, Credit infor! mation, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'How To Start A Second SEPERATE Credit File! plus articles and information on Credit'

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Imagine opening your credit card statement one morning and discovering to your horror that you suddenly owe thousands of dollars - on purchases that you never made.


Credit card fraud on the rise, so you need to treat your card and its information with extreme care.

Here are 10 tips to help insure you''re not the victim of thieves and fraudsters:

1. Sign new and replacement cards immediately.

2. D! estroy the old cards by cutting them into pieces and shred all old receipts and bills.

3. Don''t fax your credit-card number, if possible. Remember, the faxed document could remain in sight at the other end for long periods of time.

4. Don''t give your card number over the phone unless you have initiated the call.

5. Destroy any carbon paper if it''s used as part of the credit card transaction. Somebody can grab it and forge your signature.

6. Don''t respond to any "scam" e-mails requesting your credit card number.

7. Never send your credit card number in an e-mail to anyone!

8. A good option for discouraging theft is to choose a credit card that includes your photo and signature on the card.

9. If you have questions about mistakes or unauthorized items on your statement, you have the right to challenge them.

10. If your card is lost, stolen, or you suspect fraudulent use, call your company''s 24-hour hotline immediately to pr! event your card from being used as little as possible. The com! pany wil l block its use, and you won''t be responsible for any charges made by thieves.

You''ll never deter fraudsters completely. But you can certainly make life as difficult as possible for them.

About The Author

Paul Davis is financial writer and contributor to ''Debt Elimination 4U''. Visit the site now and learn how to get out of debt forever:', 127, '10 Tips To Prevent Credit Card Fraud, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', '10 Tips To Prevent Credit Card Fraud plus articles and information on Credit'

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In the new millennium plastic money or credit cards has rendered a new zing factor to your pocket. This has not only made you economically more flexible but subsequently added glamour to your financial image as well. No more bulging out hip p! ockets with excess of liquid cash. Instead, the slimmer your pocket; the smarter you look. But behind all these inviting attributes of credit cards there seems to be a trap laid out for people who are impulsive and careless.

The usage of credit cards have been on the highest spree this decade and along with the usage, the debt rates has also somersaulted sky high. Majority of the citizens of the U.S. owe thousands of dollars as credit card bills. While gross dollar volume on bank credit cards has increased 2.5 times since 1994, the average transaction has increased about 16% over the past decade. The average transaction on a general purpose credit card, carrying the VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover brand, is now approaching $102, compared to $87 in 1994.

23rd Dec. 2004 is termed as Black Thursday and is poised to be a voluminous day in credit card usage in 2004. On this day Americans have used credit and debit cards to pay for nearly $12 billion. ! This computes to an average of more than $8 million per minute! ; howeve r it could easily top $20 million per minute during peak hours.

In the present era credit card debt carried by an average American is about $8,562 (Approx.). The total U.S. credit card debt in the first quarter of 2002 was approximately $60 billion (Approx.). Total finance charges Americans paid in 2001is $50 billion (Approx.).

Recently, the New York Times examined how the use of credit has taken off dramatically in the United States since 1990. While the number of people holding charge cards grew about 75 percent. This went up from 82 million in 1990 to 144 million in 2003 and the amount they charged during that period grew by a much larger percentage. It is approximately 350 percent, from $338 billion to $1.5 trillion.

Nellie Mae, the nation''s largest maker of student loans says that the average undergraduate student has $2,200 in credit card debt. That figure jumps to $5,800 for graduate students. David Sandor, a vice president at Vi! sa USA, says that only 54 percent of college students pay off their credit card balances every month.

The average credit card interest rate is around 18.9%. Approximately half of all credit card holders pay only their minimum monthly requirements. There are a total of 1.2 billion credit and retail cards in North America. The number of credit card holders who declared bankruptcy last year was a huge 1.3 million.

Credit cards have undoubtedly given us better mileage in handling our finance; it has made us mobile and flexible in cash handling. But it is extremely important to make proper utilization of this plastic money. There lies a big black trench of debts if you use it recklessly. These slim plastic cards can often be the cause of bulk debts if one is impulsive or unwise.

For better insight in this topic please view:!

Janet Williams is a contributing writer to And is currently working on a special section in the site called do it yourself where you can eliminate your debts and become debt free...', 127, 'Credit Card Is Adding The Silver Lining To Your Pocket, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Credit Card Is Adding The Silver Lining To Your Pocket plus articles and information on Credit'

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Consumers today are up to their eyeballs in debt. And many people don''t ! realize it until their good credit has been devastated.

As a result, many credit repair agencies are popping up all over the internet, on television and in the newspapers making sweeping guarantees that they can erase your bad credit and remove bankruptcies, judgments, liens, and bad loans from your credit history - forever!

Consumers are flocking to these credit repair clinics in droves. However, estimates show that credit repair companies have defrauded consumers in the United States alone out of more than fifty million dollars.

The truth of the matter is that depending on the extent of the damage to your credit history, the best strategy could be a self help strategy - not giving away hundreds or even thousands of dollars in up-front fees to an agency that in the end may do nothing to restore or improve your credit.

After researching the topic quite extensively, I found one great method that works well for some people is a method I call "beat! ing the credit reporting bureaus at their own game".

I repo rt about it in more detail on my Prepaid Debit Card Site (, however, in brief, this strategy involves taking advantage of signing up for prepaid debit cards which offer a built-in credit reporting feature.

A prepaid debit card is a great solution for a lot of people because the money you spend is your own and in most cases you cannot spend over the amount you have in your account.

This is a good solution for people who may have had difficulties with debt or bankruptcy in the past because a prepaid debit card is a great tool for developing invaluable financial management and budgeting skills.

A major bonus of some prepaid debit cards today is that during the sign-up process you are offered an opportunity to sign up for an additional service that will help you rebuild a bad credit history by having your monthly payments reported to one or more of the major credit reporting agencies.

Subsequently, each month y! our card''s issuer credit reporting partner will process your payment record and verify that your payment is properly posted to the credit bureaus'' records.

There is a small additional fee involved for this service each month, however, the fees are minimal by comparison to the sometimes outrageous fees and interest payment some credit card companies charge people with bad credit.

This fee is usually billed to you through your prepaid card each month and enables you to show a continuous history of activity within the credit system.

These prepaid debit cards help you rebuild your credit so you can get on with your life and is just one of the many self-help strategies that I recommend.

To learn more about rebuilding your credit through the use of a prepaid debit card simply do a search in one of your favorite search engines for prepaid debit cards or visit for more specific card information.

Copyright 2005. For more infor! mation about Prepaid Debit Cards, check out THE definitive gui! de to pr epaid debit cards of all kinds including: prepaid mastercards, payroll debit cards, debit gift cards, virtual credit cards, offshore, US and international debit cards, at:', 127, 'How A Prepaid Debit Card Can Help You Rebuild Your Credit, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'How A Prepaid Debit Card Can Help You Rebuild Your Credit plus articles and information on Credit

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Debt consolidation refers to the restructuring of a large number of unsecured debts into one low monthly payment, while eliminating interest and reducing the total amount owed to creditors. Debt consolidation has become popular with people as they cope with increasing amounts of credit card debt, home mortgage! loans, car loans, and student loans, along with low credit ratings and threatening phone calls from creditors. Debt consolidation is seen as the last option before declaring bankruptcy.

It often takes consumers a lifetime to get out of debt to credit card companies, because of the interest rates charged by the companies. Consumers often think they can pay off their credit card debts by paying the minimum amount they owe on a card, but they can remain in debt for the next 30 years while paying off this amount each month.

Many people, faced by their poor credit situation, are forced to declare bankruptcy, which adversely affects their credit rating for the next ten years, or to take another loan to pay off the money they owe. However, if you are already in debt, you do not need another loan-you need a debt management plan and some credit counseling.

We at the Debt Consolidation and Debt Reduction Service do just that. Our debt consolidation program can redu! ce your debt by 40 percent, and have you out of debt in three ! years in stead of twelve. We can consolidate your debts into one low monthly payment, eliminate interest payments, penalties, and late fees, and rebuild poor credit. Unlike most other debt consolidation companies, we are not owned by a credit card company-our priority is getting you out of debt quickly and keeping you out of debt thereafter.

We can also help you deal with your creditors, by negotiating with them and seeing to it that they follow the provisions of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. This Act stipulates that they cannot call you on Sundays, or at work, if you have requested them not to do so. They can only call you between 8:00 in the morning and 9:00 in the evening, according to your time zone.

We can provide credit counseling by helping you prepare a budget, so you know where and how you spend your earnings. The first thing we do when you join our debt management program is to stop you from using your credit cards. By the time you ! successfully complete our debt consolidation program, you are not only free of debt but also more financially knowledgeable and capable of avoiding debt traps.

If you owe $5,000 or more in unsecured debts, to pay off credit card loans, medical bills, store and gas cards, student loans, back taxes, and utility bills, please get in touch with us and let us help you. We can get in touch with you within 24 to 48 hours, and help you get out of debt fast.

Jonathan Pike

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Credit Counseling and bankruptcy are both ways to relieve the stress of debt. However, they are very different and it is important to understand both before making a decision as to which is best for you.

Credit counseling is a program designed to help those who are in a state of debt and cannot find a solution to their debt problems. They offer services that will allow you to work with a certified credit counselor to devise a plan that ! is tailored to your specific needs and goals. Credit counseling agencies often provide services for free and will help to educate you about how to avoid financial problems in the future by offering debt management classes or seminars. They do not erase your debt. Instead they work with you to budget money so that you can pay off the debt often times by debt consolidation. Collection will continue while using a credit counselor, however, in most cases companies who are owed money will try and work with you to help you payoff your loans. Credit counseling services often help you to reestablish credit after the loans are paid.

Bankruptcy is very different. It will completely clear your debt in most cases and you will no longer be hassled by collection agencies and their attorneys. There are two kinds of bankruptcy; the one that is right for you will depend on your situation. When filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy you are able to keep property that is mortgaged such as your ho! use or car and are expected to repay debts in three to five ye! ars. Und er Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you must give up all property and assets that you own. There are exceptions in some states for items such as work tools and household furnishings. Bankruptcy will certainly clear your debts and stop foreclosures and wage garnishments, however, you will be unable to establish credit for up to ten years. Filing bankruptcy can also be very expensive compared to credit counseling.

Take time and research credit counseling very carefully before deciding on bankruptcy as it can save your credit in the long run. Most people feel much better about themselves when they can pay off their debt and become educated about how to stay out of debt rather than filing bankruptcy.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more debt relief, consolidation and credit counseling information that you ! can research in your pajamas on his website.', 127, 'Bankruptcy vs. Credit Counseling: What Should I Do?, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Bankruptcy vs. Credit Counseling: What Should I Do? plus articles and information on Credit

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Here are some useful credit card tips for you to consider before applying for a credit card. Before applying for a credit card, you should decide why you want one, and make sure you can use it wisely.

More and more people use plastic as their main means of paying for goods and services. Today our entire financial system relies on credit. Credit cards can help to make your life that little bit easier- you can use it ! to pay for goods or services, either over the phone, online or over the counter.

A credit card makes it easy to buy something now and pay for it later. It''s much safer to use a credit card than to carry around cash. If you lose your credit card, you can ask your credit card company to cancel your card, and no one else can use it. But if you lose cash, your money is lost.

Credit cards are also convenient. You can use them to make hotel, car rental and other reservations. You can buy items over the phone or online. You can also use credit cards for emergencies, like unexpected car repairs, when you don''t have the cash to cover the expenses.

A credit card allows the cardholder to borrow as much money (up to their credit limit) as they like, when and where they like, without having to get permission from their bank manager.

All credit cards have finance charges for not paying your balance in full each month, but you could save a lot of money by shoppin! g around for the credit card that offers you the best terms.

Shop for a card with an interest free period that gives you enough time to pay your bills on time without charging you interest. Credit cards with no interest free period start charging you fees as soon as you buy something on your credit card.

Finally, using a credit card gives you a credit history, which helps to get home loans and other credit in the future.

You may freely reprint this article provided the author''s biography remains intact:

About The Author
John Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help UK homeowners find the best available loans via the website.', 127, 'Credit Card Tips, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Credit Card Tips plus articles and information on Credit

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Some credit cards, such as American Express, require you to pay off all of your charges each month. As a benefit, they usually have no finance charge, and sometimes no maximum limit. Most cards, including Visa, MasterCard, Discover and Optima, offer what is known as revolving credit. This means they let you carry a balance, on which they charge interest (Credit card finance charges), and they require you to make a minimum payment. The minimum payment is usually about 5 percent of your current balance.

Here are three of the ways used by financial institutions to calculate finance charges:

Adjusted balance - This system, which consumer experts say favors the cardholder, takes the balance from your previous statement, adds new charges, subtracts the payment you made and then multiplies this number by the monthly interest rate.

Average daily balance - This method, which is a pretty even-handed one and the most commonly used, works like this: The company tracks your balance day-by-day, adding charges and subtracting payments as they occur. At the end of the period, they compute the average of these daily totals and then multiply this number by the monthly interest rate to find your Credit card Finance charges.

Previous balance - This method generally favors the card issuer, according to consumer! experts. The issuer multiplies your previous statement's bala! nce by t he monthly interest rate to find the new finance charge. This means you're still being charged interest on your balance a whole period after you've paid it down!

What you pay will vary depending on your balance, the interest rate and the way your finance charge is calculated. Here's an example that shows how much difference the interest rate can make in what you actually end up paying:

High-rate card - Suppose you charge $1,000 on a 23.99-percent credit card. After that, you make no further charges and pay only the minimum each month. The payment will start at $51 and slowly work its way down to $10. You'll make 77 payments over the next six ! years and five months. By then, you will have paid $573.59 in interest for your credit privilege.

Low-rate card - If you charge that same $1,000 on a 9.9-percent fixed-rate card, the minimum monthly payment will start at $50.41 and go down to $10. You'll make 17 fewer payments, finishing in six years and paying $176 in interest. This saves you almost $400!

Late fees and over-the-limit fees are a couple of newer charges that are used by pretty much all credit-card issuers now. And increasingly, issue! rs are drastically raising interest rates (to as high as 23.99! percent ) after a set number of late payments (read the fine print and make sure you know whether the payment is considered posted on its postmarked date or on the date the bank or credit-card company gets it posted!). Unfortunately, once you have a couple of late payments, the credit-card company can charge you the inflated interest rate for the remaining life of the account. Try to avoid this -- all credit-card companies report your payment record to credit-reporting agencies and even a few late payments could cause you problems when you try to buy a car or a house.

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My friend holds a customer card at a bookstore that will entitle him to accumulate 1,000 bonus points for certain value of in-store purchases. He can redeem the bonus points for a free book from a list of recent arrivals. He frequented the bookstore at least twice every week during the previous month to accelerate the bonus points from 925 to 1,000. Why did he display such behaviour?

'Goal-gradient hypothesis'
An experiment conducted in 1930s on rats throws some light on my friend's behaviour. Clark Hull, the researcher, found that rats run faster as they move closer to the food box. Knowing that the reward was closer motivated the rats to run faster. He called this phenomenon "goal-gradient hypothesis". My friend, though not a rat, behaved in a similar way!

To appreciate this better, consider an experiment conducted recently at a cof! fee pub inside a university campus. Each customer was provided! a card with 10 slots. The card would be stamped each time the customer had coffee. After 10 such stamps, the patron was entitled to a free coffee.

Closer to the reward
The study found that customers consumed more coffee as they neared the 10 mandated stamps. These customers slowed their speed after they finished the first card and received the second one. Why?

The distance to reward on the second card was now 10 coffees. As the distance narrowed due to normal coffee consumption, they accelerated their visits again!

With coffee, you need to visit the pub several times, as you cannot consume three lattes during each visit. But that is not the case with books. So, why did my friend not buy enough books to gather 1,000 points in just one visit after he collected 925 points?

The reason is that it is difficult to convince the mind to buy books for Rs 3,750 during one visit than to buy books for Rs 750 on five different visits.

You and I experience "goal-gradient" hypothesis as well. Think of it when you use your credit card the next time to gather bonus points.

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LIC had announced its plans to roll out its cre! dit card in the beginning of September, 2008. Now it has finally launched its much awaited white-labelled credit card on Monday, March 30th.

Launching the card, LIC Managing Director D K Mehrotra said, "We have launched our credit card today. The card would be like other credit cards but we will also offer value-added services like payment of premiums for our policy-holders."

In the first phase the insurance giant is going to target its existing policyholders for selling the card. "Initially, we will be offering cards to our policy- holders which will enable them to pay their premiums using the card," said Mehrotra.
LIC has tied up with Corporation Bank for issuing the credit card that would be available in New Delhi and Mumbai at limited scale for now.

The card is a Visa branded credit card that will have a photo of the! cardholder and signature digitally imprinted over it. It is a! n intern ationally valid card that would also facilitate the policyholders to pay premiums from outstation thus saving on the bank charges.

The credit card business of LIC will be run through a separate firm, LIC Credit Cards Services. The card would be managed by Corporation Bank that has given the contract for end to end processing of credit cards to a leading electronic payment solutions provider, ELECTRACARD SERVICES (ECS).

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Have you been paying your telephone bills on time? Do you consistently forget the due date for your insurance premiums? You better watch it! If you ever intend to apply for a loan in future all these aspects are going to count!

These are a few of the spruce up elements planned to be implemented in! your current credit reports. What's more from next year (2010! ) there will be a system in place through which you can have access to your credit reports!

Such spruce ups have been made possible through a recent move of the RBI (Reserve Bank of India), which has granted an approval for the registration of CIBIL and a few other credit agencies namely, Equifax, Experian and Highmark under CIC Act (Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act.

Why a credit report?
The concept of credit reports came into existence to ramp up the credit system and ensure banks have an evaluation system in place to decide if a prospective borrower is credit worthy enough to lend huge sums of money to, in the form of a home loan, car loan, personal loan, etc.

Once the RBI approval comes into effect formally, more credit information on individuals can be accessed, which includes telephone bill payments, insurance premiums etc. This should provide a well rounded study of how an individual manages finances, how they repay their debts, how timely they are with their bill payments, etc.

Access to credit reports - Advantages
There are several advantages to the enhancements set to happen with the existing credit information system. Here are a few of them.

Prevents Identity theft
If an individual's credit card or bank account is being misused, keeping track of one's credit report will help the individual take c! orrective action before it comes too late or before debts star! t mounti ng to unreasonable levels. It can help prevent identity theft and instances of fraudulent transactions to a large extent.

Creates discipline and improves money management skills
Often people opt for loans due to its ready availability without giving thought to their current lifestyle, other commitments and debt liabilities. Also, they fail to account for an emergency fund and a savings plan. All these could fall into perspective once a summary of a person's credit repayment is available in a single log with a score spanning 300-900 points providing a measure of an individual's creditworthiness.

More comprehensive credit reports
RBI's approval is the first step towards more comprehensive credit reports, where more peri! odic transactions involving money inflow and outflow can be tracked to analyze if an individual adopts a careful and methodical approach to his finances and eventually serve as a financial goal map for an individual who wishes to improve his credit score.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating
The very fact that individuals will soon have access to their credit reports can come as a sigh of relief to loan applicants.

If they have a very good repayment track record and an excellent credit score their chances for bargaining for a better interest rate on the basis of their credit report is a viable option. It would also help banks significantly decrease the percentage of defaults by opting to choose a better customer for a more competitive interest rate.

After all it makes better business sense for banks to have a higher percentage of customers who repay on time, every time, at lower interest rates compared to a higher percentage of defaulters with high interest rates.

More credit agency options
Now that they are more credit agencies to choose from, better systems that weed out errors and streamline the existing information systems will be given high priority.

Establishing a reputation for being the most accurate credit agency will provide the impetus for credit agencies to overcome the several bottlenecks that will emerge in setting up the infrastructure and the actual process.

Knowledge is Power
Access to credit reports is wonderful news for individuals who wish to apply for a loan but are unable to get one due to a faulty credit report or missing information.

Currently, rejected applicants who have been informed by their banks that CIBIL reports were the reason, would need to request for the control number of their credit report from their bank and approach CIBIL for a clarification. This can be a complicated process, especially if the bank does not provide a valid reason for the reject.

With direct access to their credit reports, individuals can directly contact CIBIL for a clarification or correction, even before they approach a bank for a loan. Verification and correction of credit scores can be far easier with such transparency.

The Flip SideSuch intensive credit tracking systems can also stir up a new set of problems to deal with. More often than not technology would play a key role in setting up systems that can source huge volumes of information of a large number of individuals.

Credit information is also very sensitive and personal to an individual, which in the wrong hands could prove dangerous. So credit information sourcing could be a new addition to the number of tracking systems that are slowly but surely evolving in all spheres of our lives.

In light of such developments could breach of privacy be one of the key issues we would need to battle in the future?

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In the second quarter of 2008 began with sad news for consumers looking to save on credit card interest and fees with 0% APR no fee balance transfers to maximize. The last two remaining credit cards that of! fered 0% interest and pay no balance transfer fees changed their deals so that consumers with less of a way to save money on fees. While this trend may change, it looks as if consumers will be forced to be fees for transactions> Balance transfers during the next few months. This should not be a deterrent. As we shall see, are 0% balance transfers to save even a good way to substantial amounts of money on the credit card interest rates. However, for the foreseeable future, it will be important to pay attention to when applying for a new card.

What a balance transfer fees? Currently all credit card companies charge a 3% transfer transaction fee for each credit will be. A low creditCard limits the maximum fee to $ 75 per transaction. A high fee card has no limit on balance transfer fees. If you want to save the most money, to avoid high fee cards is the key.

Example Let's say we have to transfer a $ 5000 balance. If we transfer this amount to a c redit card with no fee limits are the total fees are $ 150. However, the fee would be $ 75 if we are to use a credit card fee limits. Of course you can add the feesup.

Should I even bother? "The answer to this question is a resounding yes. Balance transfer fees are a nuisance, not a deal breaker. For example, if you pay 14% interest on debt of $ 5000, interest expense would be in the vicinity of $ 750, or ten times the amount of the transaction. Even with the fee is still $ 675 in total savings. That is a lot of money on interest wastes. And fortunately, you do not have to.

Now is the time to stop buying absurdInterest on your credit card debt and benefit from a 0% APR balance transfer. Even if you have to pay a burdensome will ultimately save you hundreds of dollars on interest.

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Need A New Credit Card, Which Type Will You Choose?

Many people simply can not live without a credit card, it was purchased for each day or only occasionally. Today, there are very large selection of credit cards available, which means you should be on the card, which is suitable for your needs to find.

All credit cards are not the same, some better suited for you, depending on how you do not repay, and you're spending habits. It is very important, the right credit card for yourCircumstances, payment to avoid excessive interest each month.

Credit cards are popular because they are flexible and payment terms, they are very comfortable. Especially if you do not have enough cash in your wallet. Unfortunately, they can also very quickly on a ! heavy personal debt, if not used correctly. It is therefore important to find the right credit card to suit you.

In an ideal world, you will own a credit card, because comfort and ease of use thatThere. They would the entire balance in full at the end of the month. In this way, avoiding high interest payments have accumulated on the card, to each of the outstanding balance. You get the convenience of using a credit card in shops and restaurants, online and by telephone, without the cost of interest charges.

This is all in an ideal world. In reality, for most people, a portion of their balance each month and often only the minimum paymentRequirement. For people who go this route, is a good opportunity to examine the so-called card "rewards".

With a premium card, the user earns points every time the card is used in this way again earn a percentage of their spending from the credit card company.

There ar! e also times when you spread the payments may be a high cost, ! in this case, a zero-percent card would be the best choice for these circumstances. These maps give you a much longer periodThat interest is free, allowing you time to pay money together to your larger purchases.

You probably already several cards at reasonable balance amounts. You can find the card companies are likely to load are very high interest rates. Therefore, you should consider a zero percent balance transfer card. Thus, you avoid the high interest rates on your cards.

You need to wearInto account any costs, such as transfer fees, for example, they can put through the card companies charge. These fees can be up to 3% for each balance transfer you make.

If you use this card for balance transfers, you should not be used for purchases. The reason is that all payments that go to do, you pay from your zero-percent balance. It is no more money from buying not have to pay off only after the zero-p! ercent compensation was paidin full. That means you could here a high interest rate and purchases you made the map.

So remember that the zero-percent rule applies to transfers, a normal or even higher interest on any balance to purchase that you will be charged. You must read the fine print, if you for the card, so you know what is the situation with buying interest.

Even if it is inconvenient, it is certainly in your interest to read, boring through allFine print on the back of the application or the information to you with the card. In this way, you should be aware of what the situation in terms of interest and any hidden charges.

Unfortunately, many credit card companies are experts at concealing aspects of interest and fees within a cleverly worded legal fine print. If you are unsure, call or e-mail, the company they are legally obliged to clearly explain all the details that concern you.

The Office of theFair Trading has take! n action to try to ensure that that credit card companies to m! ake clea r their fees and interest. In an agreement or correspondence, the problems with ambiguous jargon, it can be reported.

It is also up to you to do your own research to compare costs and interest from several companies map to find the best deal and most suitable to your situation.

The Office of Fair Trading will soon have a new website which will be launched have clear and concise comparisons betweenleading credit card provider. Enabling the public to light and simple comparisons to find the best card for their needs.

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